Wednesday, March 14, 2007

I'm Techno-Polar!

Yes gang, I'm Techno-Polar! I'm happy, happy, love, love blogging and RSS feeds one second and "bread-drain" the next!
I'm doing the happy dance!!!
I should have checked out Technorati a few days ago because I most likely would have been happy, happy several days ago. Better late than never, no? Ok, so what's the big deal about Technorati? EEEEWWWW; click on the word and see for yourself! For instance, I typed in KCLS in the tag space and was happily surprised to find several of our learning 2.0-27things pals! A few blog links expressing experiences with the project and a few pictures from one of my favorite flickr friends, ramparts54. I for one will add my two cents worth to Technorati...see ya there!

1 comment:

Macro Maven said...

You inspired me to get "teched" and I'm glad I did. Thanks!