Friday, March 2, 2007

Flickr ROXX!!

Meet WMCHU. He is a photographer that posts to Flickr. I don't know him personally but I gotta tell you, I'd love to pick his brain!!! His images make me feel as though I could have been right there with him when he took the shots! As some of you know, I went to Japan in July of 2006, it was hot, humid, typhoony but beautiful all the same. He was there in May of 2006! Spring is supposed to be the absolute best time to visit Japan because of the Cherry Blossoms and it's not humid. His beautiful pictures of Kyoto during Cherry Blossom season.

Hey, KCLS is a great resource if you are an up and coming photographer. You can find everything you need on line at or stop by your local branch to begin your new hobby or brush up on all the latest techniques so you can be a top photographer like WMCHU!

If your feeling really adventurous, start up a Flickr account like I did ( and share your flair with the world! There are so many things you can do on flickr if you explore the site. I've created a badge (take a look at the my entire blog page) and I started a group in Flickr that I would love for you to join. Just click on my link .

Oh yeah; don't forget to tag at least one of your images with "kcls27things" and mark it public so you can get credit towards completing the kcls learning 2.0 project.