Friday, April 27, 2007

2006 Web 2.0 Awards

This was sooo AWESOME!! seomoz along with flickr have been my absolute favorite exercises! The people that were interviewed in the Zeitgeist section; Danny Sullivan, Brad stone to name a few, gave the most truthful in site I've found with regards to the entire "Web 2.0" phenomenon. I suggest checking the site out and in particular, visit the Zeitgeist section. Proof is in the pudding so to speak.

My favorite section was the retail awards in the short list. The short list gives you only the top awarded sites in a gazillion categories. My favorite categories were retail and photo's and digital imaging. Flickr came in first for the later category and astoundingly enough, a site my daughter loves and spends money she doesn't have (although, now I'll be buying her something cuz it's such a cool site) came in second in the retail category! It's called threadless they carry nothing but unique t-shirts and hoodie designs by up and coming artists.

Oh, I spent this weekend outside!!! Yeah, I took a few pictures of spring and the chaos that ensues when the sun shines on the Eastside! It's like an ant hill that has been laying dormant for the winter. check my flickr account, you can click right to it by clicking on my flickr badge to the right of this blog.

Enjoy the sunshine, enjoy life!!!

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