Saturday, April 21, 2007

Lesson 18 search engine roll....

Search engines are a must have for every computer user. Having specific search engines for all my favorite things,right at my finger tips is even better! I decided to create a search engine roll for my son who would like to get a degree in Technical Theater. Being that there is so very little on the actual subject in colleges, it's just been within the last 10 years that programs are being created for Techi's, it wasn't easy putting together information.

Rollyo was very glossy, pretty, lots of advertisments for "technical colleges". I decided to try out google. I did create my account with google and as you will see, I did add a couple of links. Being able to just click on the subject at hand is great and I do think that it is something I'll use at home for my traveling and more educational needs for both kids.

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