Thursday, April 5, 2007

Here A Wiki, There A Wiki, Everywhere A Wiki, Wiki!!!

In Hawaiin, Wiki-Wiki means quick or hurry. So it only makes sense to call this super fast way to get and give various sources of information in one place "Wiki", sort of like one stop shopping!

This weeks lesson 15 really home for me. Our family uses wikipedia ALOT!!! Homework seems to be the big reason for my teens. It's a wealth of information on everything, I do mean EVERYTHING. Research for my son's senior project (technical theater) has been so much easier since he started using wikipedia.

I visited the ALA 2007 link and wish I hadn't been sick on the day I had planned on going! I did like how nicely the menu's were set with interesting events and "self guided" tours for newbies or more seasoned ALA CON goers.

My fave site is the Princeton library! Very cool indeed. I checked out the various reviews on books and what people were reading, I like that it was set up in a visually appealling way. I like to read but I tend to be drawn to pictures and colors. Captions that pop and spark my interest are going to be clicked on quicker that having to read an entire page to find the information I'm looking for.

Wiki's are cool!

1 comment:

Yorick said...

off topic==
if you had blogline=subscribed to Infinite Jests and Excellent Fancy, I fixed the url so that it really is instead of the misspelling that it had been. That will have broken your former bloglines link to my feed.
(I only mention this because you had left a comment).