Monday, April 30, 2007


What do you know, I'm actually a tiny bit on top of the exercise this week!!!
I am a member of YOUTUBE! I find it to be a cool site, if you check out the seomoz web 2.0 awards, you'll find that YOUTUBE ranks in the top three for video category. I also belong to metacafe and that came in third. I do have several faves in my file as well as a couple of postings that my hubby and I uploaded. Watch in order...

Hey, I just went to my account and got a message from a buddy named AVDJ who was spending his vacation going on a scavenger hunt! He wanted people from YOUTUBE who visited his site to give him items to look for. I asked him to find a public library, go inside and ask for a copy of To Kill A Mockingbird...HE DID!!! My alias in youtube is Phootyboots...

I also wanted to share a silly video my husband created for me of an incident that involved wild monkeys in Japan... it was his first creative endeavor and unfortunately his last (for now).

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